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Friday, January 21, 2011

dinner kenny rogers okayyyy
pening nak pakai baju ape

badan mcm bonzer
pakai ni x kena
tu x kena
mcm2 la dalam fikiran

last week
gigih la pegi the curve pas siapkan keje
akhirnya cari punya cari
jumpa la jugak
dapat la jugak kan......
x nak over2
x nak gedik2
simple2 jerk.

just go with the flow
on that day nak pegi
mcm2 hal
itu x kena
ini x kena
kelas pack
pas kelas nak kena siap pegi Times Square terus

credits to kak tiqah amek saya dari shah alam
thanks to pregnant mama- zue
love both of you a lot
layan kerenah i yang mcm2
i know that

with love- aliah.

jadi kuat dan kuat dan kuat

kuat ye
jangan mudah mengalah
kuat ye
jangan cepat putus asa
teruskan walaupun susah
teruskan walaupun pahit
kerana pahit itulah ubat
pahit itulah
membawa kepada kejayaan.

walaupun banyak suara yang menggangu anda
kerana anda sentiasa tahu di mana anda berasa.
love yourself before you love others.

keep smiling and be humble. =)

miss him

he go away from me again
he come back to me with different status
he come back to me with different purpose
before this u never said the things that you feel like you will downgrade yourself
but now?
bu have said it.

i love you
i really miss to be with you
but you are not mine anymore
you left me
for a few months
and now
u left me again
left for half year
i will not know about you for half year
so sad
i really sad
in my deep heart
i want say to you that
i always waiting for you

i know its impossible
just follow the flow
just being hypocrite
i hope you will be happy there.